The purpose of this page is to provide an overview of essays and blog posts.
Note: I differentiate the words essay and blog post.
My perspective and use is that essays are more edited, thought out, and perhaps even practically relevant to our daily lives.
Conversely, blog posts are generally shorter in form, and impermanent: I may not agree with something I wrote long ago. Both are intended to be posted as final, in contrast with more permanent pages, like /lithium or /law, which should be occasionally updated.
Note: word counts and estimated read times @ 250 words/minute are in parenthesis.
- 2017: Why Americans Will Start “Waking Up” as we start Driving Less (2,300 words, 9 minutes)
- 2017: A Letter to My Unborn Daughters (4,200 words, 17 min)
- 2019: Why I Sometimes Wear a Rock Necklace (2,200 words, 9 minutes)
- 2020: Social distancing, not social isolation! (1,300 words, 5 minutes)
- 2022: Quantum Nutrition (series, see permanent page)
- 2022: What Inclusion Means to Me (1,200 words, 5 minutes)
- 2024: When the Law Fails Our Children: A Father’s Plea for Joint Custody Reform in Oregon
- 2024: “From Roots to Branches: A Father’s Perspective on Life, Decision-Making, and Leadership“
Blog Posts:
- [2013 : External website — Live वृक्ष Learnיא Love 天 — as a creative writing project during summer break.]
- 2017: Letter to Servicemembers, Active and Inactive
- 2017: A 5 Step-Plan for the Financial Future of The United States, or: Why Killing All the Baby Boomers Just Might Save Us [satire]
- 2017: Quantum Nutrition: A Short Introduction
- 2017: Question: do you think lithium specifically affects athletic performance?
- 2018: What the Solstices Mean to Me
- 2019: A Barking Dog, A Short Exercise in Writing and Editing Under a Deadline, and A Brief Letter to an Anonymous Neighbor: A Short Version of the Argument that Modern Pet Ownership in the United States has become Emotional Slavery
- 2020: 2012 ‘Mars One’ Application
- 2020: “My, how time flies!”
- 2020: A few fitness thoughts amidst our stay-at-home orders.
- 2020: Lyrics for Alicia Keys’ Stay-At-Home Rendition of Flo Rida’s “My House”
- 2021: Personal response to COVID vaccine concerns for any anti-vaxx friends (1800 words, 7 minutes)
- 2021: Berries in the NW
- 2021: More anti-vaxx COVID thoughts… (1000 words, 4 minutes)
- 2021: How to Read Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings Day by Day, According to the Calendar Dates from ‘A Tale of Years’ (technically a permanent page)
- 2022: PDX Code Guild Review (adjacent An Open Letter to the VA/VET-TEC program (aka PDX Code Guild’s Ethical Shenanigans)
- 2022: A Quick Note on Juneteenth 2022
- 2022: It’s a beautiful day!
- 2023: Reflections on a school’s Silent Journey & Discovery
- 2023: DALL-E Hits and Misses
- 2023-2024 Presidential Campaign Emails & Related Posts:
- 2023: The Last U.S. Amendment We Wrote was the 26th Amendment in 1971, not the newer 27th Amendment.
- 2023-11-22 Email List #10
- 2024: Reforming Presidential Elections: A Fairer System for America
- 2024-09: Open Letter: Why I’m Running for President – A Message to My Religious Community
- 2024-10: Reconnecting, Reflecting, and Running: An Open Letter to My HBA Class of 2002—and All Who Seek Change
- 2025:
Book Notes:
- My book notes are for myself, but others are welcome to peruse them if so desired:
- /booknotes